Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sometimes you just can't see the forest for the...


This weekend is all about planting trees here in Australia and so today, I thought I'd take a look at our leafy friends.

Trees serve to remind us of the seasons -

"The Softest Sky" metallic photography print by Shaded Memories, "Canopy" photographic print by Photo Ladz,  "Green is Gold" print by sightclutter and "Winter Tree" by thequietcanadian

and can help you to feel as though you are flying -

Left hand side: High heels and Diet Dr. Pepper and on the right: Gear Patrol and Sweet Eventide

they can provide a means to while away the hours -

Clockwise from the top left: Got Art?, 123RF, Writing as Jo(e) and sfgirlbybay

or to lose yourself to your imagination -

Image credits: 14905 South 46th St, Our Year at the Farm and Jason Silver

they can create a perfect backdrop for dining whether it's a simple picnic -

Images via: sfgirlbybay, B&B in progress and Superstock

or something more elaborate -

On the left:  The Design Tabloid and sfgirlbybay; in the centre: The Design Tabloid and on the right: Country Living 

Trees can even remind us of our "roots" -

Custom Family Trees by genuinely yours, cozyblue and PBJandJ

 and remember -

                              "A man doesn't plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity."
                                                                                                                        Alexander Smith

Happy, happy weekend to you,
Stephie x

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crochet that's...


outside -

Image credits: Design Buzz, David Byrne's Journal, Loola and the Big Bad Wolf and bonluxat

the -

Images via: Craftzine,, materialicious and Heaven/Haven


Images via: VisualiseUs, The Ever Dazzling and Wool & Tea

Some more wizardry with wool for you on this wintery Wednesday. I couldn't just make it all about knitting now could I?!

Stephie x

Friday, July 22, 2011


fun -

Super cute knitted creatures by Donna Wilson

fabulous -

Amazing knitted sculptures by Patricia Brown

and funky -

Image via Flickr

knitted finds -

"Yarn Bombing" images via and The House That Lars Built

for you -

"Knitting" fine art print by Little Types; "Difficult Knitting" and "For The Child Only The Best" prints by Lineanongrata

on a -

On the left: Knitted Installation via Knit 1 Purl 1 and to the right: "Guerilla Knitting" and "Knitting Machine"


"Knitty, knitty" print by ashleyg and "Knitting" letterpress linocut prints via pspress

Hope you have enjoyed the "knitty gritty" on knitting this week! 

Have a "purler"* of a weekend,
Stephie x

* Thanks Auntie Mary!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Garter, moss, purl, cable...

Image via here
        let's knit!

Now I know that when we think of knitting, scarves and beanies usually spring to mind but...

knitting can also be a fun element when added to your home decor.

Knitting can provide you with an interesting seat -

Top row: knitted chair via Design for Mankind and knitted lounge found via Shelterness and along the bottom: "Chairwear" by Claire-Anne O'Brien, Hand-knit Sweater chair and armchair

or a place to rest your feet -

On the left: knitted floor cushions and to the right: foot stools and knitted pouf

you can use knitted pieces to adorn your walls -

"Knitting" wall covering by Koziel, knitted deer and knitted wall clock

and floors -

To the left: knitted floor rug and on the right: Phat Knit and another one!

or to give your lighting a fun twist -

Clockwise from the top left: Knitted Wrap Lights by Sarah Parkes, Hand Knitted Light by Philippe Tyberghien ,knitted lamp triptych ,Granny Knitted Woollen Pendant Lamps and knitted lamps via Design Monologues

you can even make everyday objects look special -

Clockwise from the top left: knitted tea set, knitted vases, Ferm Living's "The Knitted Vase" and pencil pots and knitted baskets found via Shelterness

knitting can even look rather sweet when it hasn't really been turned into anything at all -

Image via Poppytalk


Hope your Wednesday is "knitting" together nicely,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Mandela Day!


“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

                                                                                                                                           Nelson Mandela

I hope that one day we will all be able to speak heart to heart.

Happy Monday!
Stephie x

Image via here

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I know...

it's winter -

here in Sydney -

but I am not going to -

let that get in the way of -

entering -

the NIB July Summer challenge!

Wish me luck!

Stephie x

Monday, July 11, 2011

There's so much more...

to jars -

Images via: Laundry Etc and Aunt Ruthie

than jam!

Jars make great vintage pieces -

Clockwise from the top left: sfgirlbybay, Laundry Etc, HA!Designs and Scarlett Begonia Vintage

and are a great way to house collections -

Clockwise from the top left: Saga Naga, Not Quite Vintage, Scissor Variations and Four Corners Design

They are also pretty sweet when repurposed -

On the left: Dottie Angel and Apartment Therapy; on the right: Mommy Goes To Market and From My Home To Yours

and make an interesting alternative for serving drinks -

Top row: Freshly Found and Wedding by Colour; Bottom row: Simply Perfect Weddings, Signature Drinks for Your Wedding and  Wolf and Willow

They are lovely in white -

Top row: A Magazine Moment and Mlle Magpie; Bottom row: Heyday Design and Dandelion Emporium

can provide pretty light -

On the top: Temporary Nest and Jitterbug Vintage Weddings; along the bottom: Wedding High, Etsy and Bonkers About Buttons

and are perfect for displaying your favourite blooms -

Top row: Lilium and Manolo for the Brides; Bottom Row: Dusty Lace and Wed Loft


My favourites though are the blue Mason jars -

On the left: Etsy and Tete-a-Tete with Me; in the centre: A Midwestern Belle and on the right: Emmaline Bride and Jitterbug Vintage Weddings

Sadly though, although I have quite a large jar collection, I don't own any of these! Hmmmm this needs to change methinks!

Happy Monday,
Stephie x

Friday, July 8, 2011

Even though...

you've been gone for five years today -

My Beautiful Nan

We still miss you so.

See you all next week,
Stephie x

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

As I mentioned last week...


last weekend was all about remembering a very special person.

This year, as a surprise for my mum and her sisters, I decided to mark the occasion by adding some personal touches to the venue where we all get together. I drew inspiration from this beautiful book and came up with different "definitions" of what a memory is to me.

Each table included -

"Memory is...something precious"

a different -

"Memory is...something from long ago"

"definition" -

"Memory is...something that makes you smile"

and a collection of objects -

"Memory is...something warm"

reminiscent of  -

"Memory is...something cherished"

days gone by -

"Memory is...something old"

I was also lucky enough to have access to a very old cook book (thankyou Auntie Mary!) and to be able to make copies of some of the recipes (thanks Ingrid!). I put them into an old filing box and made some sweet bags so that everyone could take copies home with them. I also made a  special recipe folders for my mum and for each of my aunties -

"The Recipe Stand"

Even though the day carries with it a tinge of sadness, it is great to catch up with everyone and it was especially lovely to see the recipes and old pieces bring a smile to everyone's faces as they remembered different things. I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and I know my nan would be smiling down upon us all so happy to see us all together again.

Happy Wednesday,
Stephie x

Friday, July 1, 2011

I have been giving a lot of thought...

this week to remembering and to what exactly it is that constitutes a memory.

For me, it's all the little things like-

helping with the washing -

Images via: Every Eskimo, The Orange Collective and Recycle Buy Vintage

the smell of cooking in the kitchen -

Images:  Ethanollie and Herriott Grace

and time spent in the garden -

Vintage Wood Tool Tote, Bottle Holder and Galvanised Tool Caddy and Garden Claw

or at the sewing machine -

Antique sewing machine drawer, "City" photographic print and 1960s Sewing Box

It's the sound of the radio or of old 78's -

Images via Lola's Room

 or the clicking of knitting needles -

Knitting needles from Folk City and Willow Creek Sparrow

But most of all it was knowing that the door was always open and a cup of tea -

"My Cup of Tea" photographic print by Zenz Photography, "Afternoon Tea" print by Blackbird Experience and "A Cup of Tea in the Mornings" by Honey and Jam Photos

was on hand.

This weekend, our extended family will be remembering someone special. I hope your weekend will hold special memories too.

Stephie x